Search Results for "dilemma"


The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss - PDF

The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Martin)

Rio's boyfriend was in a dilemma. She was the most beautiful, most intelligent, most engaging, most fascinating woman he'd ever met, and he was deeply in love. The only problem was that she was a little too bossy. So even though he wanted to marry her, he hesitated when she announced that they would be married without bothering to consult him. His hesitation was short lived however when Rio revealed that she was also the strongest. THE strongest! By far! Read her story from her boyfriend's perspective: The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss. The words are by Sonofjack and the amazing pictures are by Martin!

Rio boyfriend dilemma beautiful intelligent engaging fascinating love bossy marry hesitation announced strongest story perspective night discovered boss Sonofjack Martin

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